"There is more to Hungarian fare than Gulyás. Truly a labour of love..." Larry Hoffman - The Cookbook Man June 2012
"This success story is just fantastic" A global sensation! Phillip Mare Anchor Travel Radio, Johannesburg, South Africa January 2012
"We just send you much applause and praise for your excellent promotion of classic Hungarian cuisine throughout the world." Budapest Tourism - Gabor Nagy January 2011
"Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes - TOP 10 EASTERN EUROPEAN COOKBOOKS particularly from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Clara has taken her mother’s treasured recipes and stories and written them down into a spiral bound, homey cookbook. Full of information about the ingredients, techniques and tools, this little cookbook will make you feel as though you are sitting at the table with family enjoying one of Helen’s meals." 10 Best Cookbooks by Pauline's Cookbooks Wordpress October 2010
"I found an English written Hungarian cookbook. The writer of this book, and the maker of the foods appearing in it, is Helen who has rebuilt her life in Montreal based on Hungarian gastronomy" Alkotonők.hu Erika Urban, CEO, November 2010
"The board is especially impressed with the way in which your treasured Hungarian recipes are spreading Hungarian Culture, Heritage and Patriotism by keeping alive the true classic Hungarian recipes outside the borders of Hungary in North America and the rest of the world." Hungarian Tourism Board, Budapest, Gabor Kluka October 2010
"Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes is such a hit with our audience and everyone just loves you!" Kyle Christie CTV News Anchor, April 2010
"These ladies sure know how to write and cook" Debra Frigault, President KW Business Women's Association February 2010
"This is absolutely wonderful - comfort food at it's finest" Nancy Richards CTV News Anchor, April 2010
"I just love everything about Hungarian Food. I want to try everything." Ted Lehman Inside Brant TV- News Anchor October 2010
"Readers of Hungarian origin will be very thrilled to see all the dishes they ate as children, but never learned to make. Lecsó lives on!" Ted Lehman Inside Brant TV News Anchor April 2010
"The Hot Hungarian Chef, A.K.A. Clara Czegeny, has some hot recipes for you in her "Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes. There's a lot to love in this book" says, Barbara Rolek - By Barbara Rolek, About.com Guide October 2010
"The most appealing quality of Helen’s Hungarian Heritage Recipes is her daughter's friendly voice recalling her mother’s cooking instructions and homey sisterly banter" - Edward Behr, Art of Eating Magazine Fall 2009
"What started out as an idea for a small recipe booklet to share with friends and family, Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes has turned into a National Success for this dynamic mother-daughter duo from Brantford, Ontario" Kyle Christie, CTV News Anchor - October 2009
"Famous Chef Helen Szabo Czegeny stopped in to teach the students how to make Chicken Paprikas. Celebrated Chef Lindsay Vandekamp invited Helen and Clara to teach her Ethnic Cooking Class to feature Hungarian Food. Helen is famous for her Hungarian recipes and is doing a book tour this month." Liaison College Hamilton October 2009
"We found this valuable treasure of Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes by chance online and just had to have it to promote to our loyal Hungarian Customers worldwide". Elizabeth (Szabo) Vos Magyar Marketing (USA) October 2009
HOT HUNGARIAN CHEFS, "The front door opens and out wafts the tangy-sweet aroma of cinnamon and baked apples. Not a surprise, really, since this is the house owned by Helen Czégény, an 83-year-old dynamo who, along with daughter, Clara Czegeny." Greg McMillan, Senior Editor, BRANT NEWS November 2009
"If you remember your grandmother as permanently apron-clad, stationed by the stove holding a wooden spoon and sharing wonderful stories of her childhood in a strong foreign accent as she stirred, kneaded, chopped and sliced, then Helen’s Hungarian Heritage Recipes will strike an emphatic chord". Petra Tanos, Art of Eating Magazine Fall 2009
"Celebrated Chef Helen Szabo Czegeny and Clara Czegeny were invited guest chefs to teach their chef trainees all about Hungarian Goulash Soup and Apple Squares. What a treat! There wasn't a morsel left! Everyone praised and thanked Chef Helen and Clara on how professional their teaching class went." Liaison College - Kitchener -November 2009
“Are you Hungry for Hungary? Do you crave cabbage rolls, drool over dumplings or get all atwitter about torte? Mother-daughter team create new cookbook!" Heather Ibbotson, Brantford Expositor, November 2008
"A Perfect Gift for Any Age- Helen's Hungarian Heritage Recipes is just perfect!" Colleen Thoms, Brantford Expositor December 2008
that the creative chef and her secret recipes has most ingredients and methods
for preparation stored in her head, with only bits of information jotted down
on scraps of paper and the backs of envelopes, sometimes in Hungarian, or
Swedish, German, or even Russian". --Kit McDermott, Senior Editor,
Lifestyles, Brantford Expositor - February 2006
“Clara Czegeny's cookbook is a small treasure with a big heart. The loving result of a desire to honour an aging parent". Gordon M. Balfour, BusMgr-Writer-Gideons International In Canada, February 2006
"Clara and my dear mother Helen, co-authored these treasured Hungarian family recipes. So, whether you crave Chicken Paprikas or Almás Rétes, this authentic, beloved, cherished and Hungarian Heritage Recipe collection includes a vast array of national favourites, from appetizers through desserts".